Mardi 6 novembre 2012 à 10:57

October 11th, 2011, that's the day my life has changed, forever. That is the day when, with a broken arm, and nothing on tv, I decided to give a try on Merlin. "Lancelot and Guinevere", that the episode that was on, and then I watched the Troll episode, but fell asleep, and was very disappointed about that because I didn't get to see the end... And so I decided to find this episode and.... well I found the 4 seasons haha! October 11th, 2011 is the day that made me meet the best...

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Mardi 6 novembre 2012 à 0:40

Ever since i started watching Merlin, a little less than a year ago, my life has gone crazy. First it started with endless nights watching the episodes. 4 seasons in 10 days. The 'just-one-more-episode-before-i-go-to-sleep" excuse became a daily thing. But whatever, it was good. This is through that show that i got to meet Alie and just that is enough to make this show very special. As you know (or maybe you don't because you don't follow me on Twitter, Tumblr or haven't read any...

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