Dimanche 14 octobre 2012 à 13:53

Here we go guys, after last week's amazing premiere that caused heart attacks in the entire fandom, we had high expectations for this second part.
Last week left us with an injured Arthur who had been captured by a bad guy and saved by an overcute grown-up Mordred, which led us all to wonder what game is Mordred playing. We also had an injured Gwaine healed by a blue alien in Ismere's caves, a bad-ass Queen Gwen, a worried Merlin...

Okay okay enough said, here's what happened saturday night:

We start the episode with Morgana asleep, in her bedroomhttp://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/1.jpgWe all notice that Morgana sleeps all dressed, and that she had for a while now. That's life on the run, only one dress that you never take off, I hope she washes it sometimes because it must be a bit smelly after all those years...
So Morgana is sleeping, but as always when Morgana sleeps, she's having a bad dream
Whaaaat??? noooooo!!!! Aithusa!!!! What are you doing here?? Who did this to you??? http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/4.jpghttp://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/5.jpgAwwww Aithusa seems sick, he used to be such a cute baby dragon.. See kids?? this is what happens when you hang out with the wrong people! I'm just just kidding, this scene broke my heart! When Morgana wakes up and calls Aithusa at her side to pet him, I was all "aaaaawwww", because I like that the first scene of Aithusa and Morgana together was this one. We immediatly understand why Aithusa is loyal to her. Whatever happened, they got trapped and tortured together, Aithusa is just a baby dragon, and all he knows is that Morgana was the only one here for him... So at this point, I simply hope that a dragoncall and few weeks with Kilgharrah will get him back in shape away from trouble.

Back in the snowy lands, Arthur and Merlin have joined the other soon-to-be slaves that the bad guy (does he have a name??) is taking to Morgana. As always Arthur is complaining that's it's Merlin's fault if they got trapped in the net, and Merlin replies that he wanted to go back to Camelot, well said kid! XD
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/7.jpgTurns out the bad guy likes his soon-to-be slaves to walk quietly, and Arthur and Merlin arguing are everything but quiet... so this happens:
Mordred disagrees... Vlavla's acting is entirely in his eyes. We can see he's questionning the bad guy's actions... What are you playing at Mordred???

Back in Camelot, Sefa's death is getting closer
At this point, those 0.5 seconds, Leeloo and I screamed!!! Because we were right there, on the left when it was shot! And it took a good 2 hours to shoot this scene, with the courtyard full of guards and villagers that you don't see on screen... that's a shame...
okay well, back to Sefa in her cell, who gets a visit from Gaius. Sefa wants to talk to Gwen, and wants Gaius to help her, because Gaius is the voice of wisdom in this castle.

In this snowy desert, the bad guy, Mordred and the soon-to-be slaves have stopped for the night. http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/17.jpgAll the slaves-to-be are asleep (Arthur seems to find the snow very comfy) except Merlin who can't stop staring at the bad guy and Mordred. Merlin is hungry and the bad guy is making fun of it. I don't like the bad guy, he really is a bad guy. On the other hand, Mordred suggests to feed them, but the bad guy refuses... Mordred's eyes apology to Merlin..http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/18.jpg

And this is how the next scene starts:

I couldn't stop laughing!!!! The way the Blue Alien looks at Gwaine, he's in love right??? And gosh that's creepy to stare at someone like this! But guards arrive and the Blue Alien goes to hide behind a rock and turns the light around Gwaine off, giving him a loving look from behind the rock

In the snow desert, Merlin didn't move AT ALL of all night
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/22.jpg(And Arthur sleeps like a baby on his snow pillow)

Mordred approaches and Merlin looks at him with suspicion
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/24.jpgBut our Mordred isn't as bad as the bad guy is, and brings bread to Merlin. But as nice as Mordred is right know, Merlin, like us, keeps in mind the terrible prophecy. With Arthur and everyone else sleeping, Merlin can finally have a little talk with Mordred, and he wants to know why the young druid is helping them. Mordred knows he owes his life to Arthur (and a bit to Merlin, no??), and also, Mordred knows what it is to have magic and to have to hide it to stay alive, so don't worry Emrys, your secret is safe. And as we are sharing secrets, Mordred tells Merlin that Morgana is looking for a diamere? Diemere? (how do you spell that???), well, a key to all knowledge.

Meanwhile, in Ismere tower, Morgana is upset she still hasn't found the die(a)mere (or her half naked slaves haven't) and I notice she doesn't even pronounce it the same way that Mordred just did. How am I supposed to figure out how to spell it??? Well Morgana is angry that Arthur escaped and wants some news from Camelot, so Ruadan tells her that Sefa has been caught and sentenced to death. Turns out Morgana doesn't really care, that happens... Thankfully Ruadan is a good father and doesn't seem ready to give up on his daughter like this.

In the snowy desert, the way is long to Ismere (it doesn't seem that long for Ruadan, he probably has a magical portal or something), and Arthur is weak after his injuries
Arthur on the ground, Merlin yells to stop because his friend needs water. I think we were all "seriously Arthur???" that was what the bad guy thought anyway and that really made him laugh to see Arthur so miserable, and that's pretty understable because, look at that face:
But of course our Great King Arthur had a plan and
TADAAM!!!! How smart is this???? yes sometimes, when it comes to saving his life and being a warrior, Arthur is smart... I said sometimes...

In Camelot, Sefa gets her audience with Gwen. Poor Sefa, she seemed so scared and sorry. I do believe her when she says she didn't mean to arm anyone and she only wished to please her father....
Look at this poor girl's face :( (right, I'd be a terrible queen forgiving anyone with a cute face and puppy eyes...)
But Gwen isn't me and doesn't change her mind... but... Gwen????????? How can you?????? Where did your nice heart go?????
Even Gaius tries to make her realise that Sefa isn't a threat, even if she knew what she was doing. Good old Gaius, voice of wisdom, I told you!
But Gwen doesn't need Gaius's advice because Gwen has a plan. She doesn't want to have Sefa killed, she wants Ruadan, and she uses Sefa as a bate... AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah That's our Gwen :-) Let's just hope Ruadan shows up before the time to sentence Sefa arrives... 

On the way to Ismere, time for Merlin and Arthur to have some action
Always the two of them slowing everybody down... The bad guy really isn't smart (of course, he's a bad guy), I would have separated them at the beginning... So they have to stop, and the bad guy is angry and...
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/47.jpgI would have used the side with the blade, but it's a family show...

http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/48.jpgUsing magic when nobody can see him...
And our boys run, not very far because
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/50.jpgIt looks deep!!! But that can't stop our King and his man servant
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/52.jpg* I belieeeeeeve I can flyyyyyyy I believe I can touch the skyyyyyy *
Arthur kills one by one all the guards after them... Leeloo notices how good Arthur looks when he's tanned... I'd say he looks good when he's dirty (you can understand this in any way you want to ^^) !!
But when Mordred shows up on the other side of the cliff, Arthur hesitates to shoot him, lets him go, and Merlin gets mad, because he doesn't trust Mordred and it seemed a good idea to have him dead once for all.
Time to go Merlin, we have knights to rescue

In Ismere's caves, Gwaine finally wakes up and discovers the Blue Alien stalking on him
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/60.jpgBut Gwaine isn't scared or anything, he's more like "oh hello, thanks for saving me, whatever you are, that's cool" and that's what the alien likes about him, Gwaine is a nice man who deserves to be saved. Well Gwaine is a bit curious and wants to know who the alien is (understandable)... here starts the story of the last of his kind. There used to be many of them but they have been hunted and he's now alone... I got it, this is the Doctor's real face, before he regenerates and before he finds the Tardis to steal... Well done BBC!

Ruadan is back in Camelot, probably to save his daughter. Has anyone counted how many times he has travelled between Camelot and Ismere when Arthur still hasn't made it once??
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/65.jpgThose guards really are the worst guards that can be!  So Ruadan gets in and gets a knight and a guard out of his way to the cells.. . So basically Gwen was expecting him to come, but there was only  2 guys guarding Sefa... that's a strategy I don't really understand.
Thankfully Elyan takes care of things, finds Ruadan and Sefa and wounds the sorcerer
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/74.jpgBut when you're a known sorcerer, you can use magic, and despite his wound, Ruadan and Sefa escape to Ruadan's hiding place... A place that seems very close to Camelot as Sefa manages to take her wounded father before the knights of Camelot catch them... Once there, Ruadan sends a message to Morgana and dies in the arms of his daughters. That's when the knights arrive and Sefa runs away.
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/86.jpgThe crow wakes Morgana up, who, once again, slept in her dress and with her boots... I know you must always be ready for battle but... And who sleeps with an open window when you're in the middle of a snowy land?
Well she gets Ruadan message, Arthur isn't back in Camelot, he's heading to Ismere... Wait... How does Ruadan know that Arthur is going to Ismere and that he's not dead somewhere in the forest? Nobody in Camelot has heard from him since his knights lost him and got home. Yes I feel like I should say again that the knights just got home when Arthur went missing, given the number of times Arthur told Merlin his men wouldn't abandon him...

In Camelot, Gaius checks Ruadan's dead body and discovers a paper written in the druid language
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/88.jpgGwen: "what its it?" Gaius: "I believe it's a prayer" what??? and you can tell that just by looking at it??? This Gaius is really good!

He unfolds it and tells Gwen he doesn't know the language but, come on Gaius, that's not Arthur you're talking to, Gwen has seen you do things like this before (I think??) So he reads it
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/90.jpgHas he lost his reading glasses??? and his magnifying glass???
Gaius tells Gwen that some druids believe Arthur will die by a druid's hand, and that maybe Ruadan thought he was that man...

Merlin and Arthur finally arrive at the Ismere tower and Arthur finds a way to get in... by a way that doesn't really please Merlin
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/95.jpgThe waste tunnels!!! With waste of food falling on Merlin's head, because it's Merlin and that wouldn't be as fun if it hadn't happened. Let's be honest, we were all waiting for something like that to happen. Merlin gets a little upset that Arthur is making fun of him and throws some waste at his face! haha, Good old Merlin, he's the only one who can treat the King like this, and just have the King laughing at him!

http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbwc8lnPTE1r0l9keo4_250.gifI found this gif on Tumblr, whoever made it, thank you :-) makes me smile all the time

Then they make it to the caves by hiding in a "carriage"
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/102.jpgI can't quite imagine them both fitting in there, but whatever
Merlin: "this place is crowded with Saxons" Arthur: "we got to make sure we blend in"
Shirtless Merlin and Arthur?????????

We'll have to wait to know because the bad guy and the soon-to-be slaves have arrived and Morgana notices someone from her window
The bad guy tries to talk to her but she's like "why are you talking to me?" No, what Morgana saw from her window is this lovely face from her past
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/108.jpgMordred! You're home!!! Yes Mummy, I'm back <3
Awwww look at this cutie face
In the caves, Arthur is looking for his long lost knights
WHAAAT??? You dressed as a saxon when you could just have taken your shirt off?????
At least Percy still has no shirt... Arthur gives him a sword and tells him to find the others while he goes find Gwaine

In Morgana's appartments, it's time for a family reunion
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/119.jpgThey talk about how hard it is to have magic, with no one to trust, and how wonderful will everything be once Arthur is dead... That's the moment Mordred chose to tell Morgana that they had Arthur, and that he escaped
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/122.jpgExcuse me???
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/126.jpgAt this point Morgana kind of scared me and I thought she had watched too many episodes of Game of Throne... Putting Arthur's head on a spike and watching the crows feast on his eyes??? I don't know about you, but I had the image in my head (Yes, I watched too many episodes of Game of Thrones too) and... Eeeeewww Morgana, that is very very wrong!! Wanting revenge is one thing, wanting THIS is another...

Thank god for the warning bell!!
Warning bell which makes the Blue Alien wake up Gwaine.... wait, Gwaine has been sleeping all this time??
As people are approaching, Gwaine promises to protect his new alien friend...
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/132.jpgBut that's just Arthur and Merlin (look at Merlin's face, all happy they've found his buddy safe and sound)
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/133.jpgArthur's face... LOL
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/137.jpgArthur has the same reaction that we all had last week: what the heck is that??? Merlin is completely fascinated, but that's Merlin, he likes everything that sparkles a little, and Gwaine is like "I don't know but it saved me, so I don't care, why are you asking me?"

Meanwhile, Percy and his men are leading the rebellion
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/138.jpgDo we agree that all those men are going back to Camelot??? shirtless right? who needs a shirt nowadays??

In the tunnels, Merlin notices that something is wrong
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/141.jpgIt's gone quiet, and windy, and.... SURPRIIISE
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/143.jpg"Where'd Morgana get a dragon from???? " Did I tell you that I love Arthur's reactions???
Merlin pretends he doesn't know, because that might not be the best time to tell Arthur he's a dragonlord, and that he brought this dragon to life, from an egg that was supposed to be destroyed... So Merlin just goes after Aithusa telling Arthur to get Gwaine to Percival, because yes, he's stupid and runs after dragons... Too bad Arthur loves him too much and goes after him...

In the meantime, Percival is knocking some saxons down... Hello Tom!!!

In the tunnels, Merlin finds a terrified Aithusa
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/146.jpgAre you kidding me Aithusa???? You obvisouly don't recognize your daddy!!!
That's better! So this is the first time Merlin gets to talk with Aithusa... And Merlin seems shocked to see his dragon like this... He reassures Aithusa and tries to find who did this to him... (And I can guess that Merlin is already thinking of tearing apart whoever is responsible for Aithusa's injuries). Bad news, baby dragon can't talk... It actually didn't really surprise me, because, he's only a baby dragon! He has no parents to teach him *caugh caugh Merlin bad father*, and Kilgharrah is hundreds of years old, and Aithusa is only 4 years old, who knows when a dragon is supposed to learn how to speak??
What surprised me though is how on earth does Morgana know his name if he can't speak??? Don't tell me she can understand him, when even Merlin, a dragonlord, can't (Though I think Merlin could understand what Aithusa was trying to tell him, it's just that without words, must be hard to actually name things)
But Arthur is arriving so Merlin makes Aithusa leave. And I like that Aithusa first refused to go. His look to Merlin was like "please, don't leave me". So I think Aithusa is still somehow "Merlin's dragon", even if he stays with Morgana because of what happened to them, I'm not sure he would choose Morgana if he had to choose (and he can't anyway, because Merlin can make him do whatever he wants).

Back to Arthur who's looking for Merlin. Unfortunately, he finds Morgana (and Mordred)
I don't have a lot to say about this scene... Morgana wants to kill Arthur, Arthur tries to understand why Morgana has become so evil, she wounds him...
Merlin arrives and get thrown against a wall (with an adorable "noo" from Arthur)
And as Morgana is about to kill Arthur, Merlin is too weak to do anything... we all stopped breathing at this point, don't lie!
This happened:
http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/158.jpgwoooah! Didn't see that coming! Mordred, I don't know what you're playing at, but right now I love you! Still feeling a bit sad for Morgana, because she really feels betrayed...
So Mordred is a hero who saved Arthur from death

And hey, let's leave Merlin in there, he'll find his way home...
But we had forgotten someone else was living in this tunnel!!! Yes he's back!
This alien really likes to watch people sleep!!!
But he heals Merlin just like he healed Gwaine, and Merlin understands he's the die(a)mere... And because our Merlin is a very wise man (I think this is debatable lol), he only wished to know who Arthur's bane is, as it's not Mordred... "himself" says the alien... that doesn't help, but thank you, you blue alien for saving our boys :-)

Few days later, in Camelot
Arthur seems recovered
"Arise, Sir Mordred, knight of Camelot"
Do you think they have such a big ceremony everytime someone's being knighted??? Because they have a lot of knights!!
So Mordred is a knight now!! didn't see that coming either!!! Okay saw it in Pierrefonds but we didn't know how or why. So I'm wondering if Mordred had to pass some sword test, because we never saw him fight, and even if fighting is not Camelot's knights strong point, that could help... just saying...

http://walking-on-sunshine.cowblog.fr/images/ArthursBane2/175.jpgSomeone still has some questions; Merlin! Yes because Merlin is always asking so many questions!!! But we all want to know so we're happy someone asks "Why??????"
Basically, because Arthur is right and Morgana is wrong (and I'm sure he didn't like Ismere cold weather). But Merlin reminds him that if Arthur knew about his powers, things would be different... Come on Merlin, be happy, now there are 2 of you using magic in secret at court!!

Back home, Gaius made pudding, and Merlin loves pudding
But he's still worried about Mordred, because of the prophecy... who cares Merlin??? eat your pudding, you'll worry for Arthur tomorrow!!

And in Ismere desert
So Morgana has given up on the diemere?? Don't tell me she only had Arthur's knights to work for her???

So the bad guy had a name!!!! Ragnor!!! Thank you credits!

So what did you guys think of the episode?? Who do you think Mordred is loyal to? Do you think Merlin will get Aithusa back? Do you think we will see the alien again? Leave a comment and tell us everything :-)

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