Lundi 22 octobre 2012 à 14:47

Previously in Merlin :

  • Gwaine and Percival have spent weeks half naked in mines looking for a "key" for Morgana.
  • That "key happened to be a blue alien (that i will call Bluey) that had lived for hundreds of years and who knew everything. Bluey told Merlin that Arthur's Bane wasn't Mordred but Arthur himself.
  • Having stabbed Morgana and therefore saved Athur's life Mordred became a knight of Camelot.
  • Gwaine and Percival have spent weeks half naked in mines.
  • Queen Guinevere was as badass as possible and figured out by herself who the traitor of Camelot was (It was Sefa, her maid, who was spying for her father, Ruadan, who was working for Morgana.)
  • Morgana and Aithusa have spent some time locked inside a well and Aithusa can't speak.
  • Gwaine and Percival were half naked for the whole episode.

And that is what you've missed on...
During one of their hunting trips, Merlin and Arthur are arguing, as usual. Just look at those two.
Merlin : I might be getting a cold.
Arthur : Let's hope it's a bad one.

Stop it you two!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh 
Arthur : Whats was that?
Merlin : Just a bird!

Arthur : No seriously what was that?
Merlin : It was a woman screaming.

Of course it is Merlin. We need someone in danger to shake up the episode and your "friendly" little outing.
Oh Arthur are you sure you need to take out the sword just yet??? I know you like to play with it but maybe, just maybe, it's not a matter of life and death...
Never mind!!! I take it back! 
That poor woman is about to be burned alive. And it looks that the King of Camelot isn't really happy about that.
Because the king doesn't really like people being burned at the stake when he wasn't asked for permission. I even dare to say that he isn't a big fan of people being burned at the stake at all.  So basically the woman has been accused of sorcery and we all know that sorcery is BAAAAAAD. Well it was when Uther was king, now that Arthur is king it's only bad and you don't get killed for it... most of the time.
Wait a second Mr I'm-about-to-light-the-woman-on-fire. Arthur just told you not to kill her and you keep going??? How about tasting some Excalibur??
You don't mess with the Pendragons!!!!
Merlin and Arthur take the old woman away from the village but sadly she isn't going to make it through the night. She's fine with it because she had a long life and all. If you ask me she's fine with it because she's been carried by Arthur and that is enough to say your life is full. But that's maybe just me... and Alie... So the old woman wants to thank Arthur and gives him that Horn.
It is said to bring the dead back to life... for a moment... Pretty cool!!! I would be terrified but i'm a wimp. For more courageous people i'm sure it's cool.
Arthur thanks her and you can tell that he is sad she's about to die. Or just excited to play with the horn. It's hard to know with you, King Arthur.
Merlin is just sad.... or excited to see Arthur play with the horn... I'm a little confused...
Oh no!!!! Old lady is dead.... Rest In Peace!!!!
Back in Camelot, Gaius tells them that he has seen High Prestesses use that horn at the Great Stones of Nemeton back when the old religion was OK. It is not light magic. It is dangerous!!! don't you dare use it!!!! Oh Gaius!!! it's like you don't know them at all.
 In the banquet room Elyan explains to Mordred how the celebration of Arthur's crowning is both a happy and sad day for him. Happy because Hey he is king now, but sad because he lost his father on that day four years ago (if i count right).
Oh poor Arthur!!!! You really look more sad that happy.
Oh look!!! Some Arwen!!!! That was quick!. Arthur leaves the room.
The Middle Ages are so cool. When you die, they don't just burry you, they make a statue that looks like you and stays in a room with lit candles. So maybe it is not practical for everyone (space wise) and you need to be a king but i find it cool. A lot cooler than this horn that brings dead people back to life. But i digress.
Our Arthur is sad!!! Well you can't really blame him. He never knew his mom, his half sister is the sorceress in chief and his dad died.
Don't you want to cry with him right there? Good job Bradley!!!! The acting is spot on!!!
Back in his chambers Arthur is looking at the horn, wondering what if, when he hears noises outside his door. After spilling the apples on the floor to hide the horn
he just acts as if nothing had happened in front of Merlin.
How about not using that big bowl Merlin. No Seriously!
Nice try but it's the king you're challenging here!
So Arthur asks Merlin to ready the horses but refuses to tell him where they are going... Yeah we all wonder... 
Arthur : Do not breathe a word of this to anyone. Not even Guinevere.
Merlin : You're threatening me with a spoon?
You have to admit those two are hilarious!!!!
In the plains of Albion Arthur and Merlin are enjoying a long horseride in the beautiful weather. Or more like a long and difficult journey in the rain.
Oh look!!!! The Great Stones of Nemeton. Shocker!!!!
So Arthur has to blow the horn in order to open the veil between the two worlds (Ok this just reminds me of Lancelot and i'm not ready to talk about it yet).
Follow the light Arthur!!!! Well don't follow it through though. Stay at a reasonable distance!
Oh Bluey is that you again??? Are you back with some more knowledge to share???
What's up Arthur??? You look like you've seen a ghost.

Oh right!!! You have!!! Hello Uther!!! long time no see. How have you been?
Arthur : I thought I would never see you again. There isn't a day that passes when I don't think of you.
Uther : And I, you.
Arthur : There are times when I feel so alone, I wish more than anything that you were by my side.
Uther : If I were at your side, I fear you would not like all that I have to say.

Oh so that's how it's gonna be! Your son came all this way to see you and you're gonna be mean to him.
Uther : Many of the decisions you have made since you have become King go against all that I taught you.
Arthur : I have done what I have believed to be right.
Uther : You have ignored our tradition, our ancient laws. You have allowed common men to become knights. They question your decisions. They make you look weak.

Ok wait a minute Uther!!!! You don't talk about my knights like that. Do you remember what Camelot was like before my Gwaine and Percival??? The only knight that actually worked was Leon and he is immortal. I'm gonna have to ask you to shut up.
Uther : Your marriage should have served to form an alliance with another kingdom and you choose to marry a serving girl.
Ok now i won't let that go. You are making Arthur cry now. It's not that i LOVE Gwen as a character, i think she's under used and therefore she is more annoying than anything, but hey Uther it's not the Dark Ages anymore. You need to be more supportive of alternative lifestyle... You know what i mean.
Arthur : I married for love. I love Guinevere. More than... I can express.
Uther : There are some things that are more important than love.

So Uther's never seen Moulin Rouge apparently. "The grestest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." It doesn't ring a bell??? It's all your pop culture education that has to be revised there, Uther.
But i think we got the message. Arthur is a bad king, Uther would have done better. The kingdom will fall etc etc... Way to take the fun out of everything Uther!
But Arthur still wants to talk. He has a lot to say. But he can't. The veil is about to close and Arthur has to go if he doesn't want to be trapped in the other world.
Uther : I will always love you Athur.
Oh Uther you do have a heart after all!!!!
You can tell that everything that's been said upset Arthur greatly. Poor boy!!! He wasn't expecting the reunion with his father to be so.... full of hate.
Just talk to Merlin. He is really good at telling you that you are so much better than your father and that people respect you because you are kind and respectful of others. Look at our Merlin being a happy little cheerleader!!!! Give me an A, give me an R, give a T, give me an H, give me a U, give me an R!!!!!!!!!!! Gooooooo ARTHUR!!!!!!!!!
Back in Camelot, everyone is very excited. Well apart from Gwaine who is clearly sleeping and most of the other knights actually.
Busted little unknown knight!!!! So Sir Leon??? How does it feel to finally have more that two lines but that those lines are as boring as dirt??? My poor Leon!!! It's like they can't appreciate your qualities. We, outside of Camelot, love you!
Oh look the doors opened by themself... Probably just the wind.
But the wind did one thing for the knights' crowd, it woke them up... well apart from Gwaine who has gotten used to sleep all day when he was spending time with Bluey.
Let's go back to the boring but ever awesome Sir Leon.
Oh wait!!! The lights falls down now??? So much dust!!!! Oh Gwaine is awake. The things you have to do to wake my Gwaine up these days!!! Anyway Camelot is becoming a haunted place. Sounds like.... not fun!!!
And look at the poor Merlin. Scared much?
And of course like in every good (or bad) scary movie, a storm hits Camelot. Rain, thunder, lightning. It's all there, guys!
Now let's take a minute to explain what is happening here. The knights of Camelot have a common changing room. A room where they all change!!! A room where they take their armors off or put them on!!!! The fangirl in me is dying!!!! I'm not sure i can go back to writing any more.....
Ok ok i'm back.... Little fun between the knights in the locker room.
Gwaine : Why does it always take you twice as long to change out of your armour?
Percival : Because I'm twice the size of you, little man.

Awww you guys!!!! Gorgeous and funny!!!!!
Gwaine and Elyan leave the changing room and Percival is left alone to finish taking off his armor.
What was that noise? Is someone there trying to freak Percy out???
Wait what the F...???? Flying axes???? Camelot is getting very dangerous when haunted!!!!
Oh poor Baby!!!! It hurts, right?
Luckily Gaius can help you. But only if you take your shirt off. Well yes, because we've gotten used to having shirtless knights in the first two episodes so you can't take it all away in one go. Percival explains how weird the the flying axe was (DUH!!!!) and that he felt a presence in the room. but Percy has to leave... I don't get why he insists on putting a sleeveless coat on but maybe that's just me, and Merlin tells Gaius that he, too, felt a presence. Oh yes and he admits they went to the the Great Stones of Nemeton.
That's Gaius's disapproving face!!!!! 
Gaius : As the veil clised they (the prestesses) were never to look back at the spirit.
Merlin : What happened if they did?
Gaius : they'd release the spirit into this world.

Oh Oh!!!!
What? (Love his face!!!!)
Merlin asks if Arthur looked back and guess what... he might have looked for a second. Seriously Arthur!!!!!
Do you see how serious it is? Like you unleashed your dad. And he is kinda not happy about how things went in Camelot.
Merlin please!!!! Are you kidding??? Ok Arthur, we know that you don't want to believe it because you liked your dad and all but you have to admit that this crap has Uther written all over it.
But Arthur is a strong head and poor Merlin is sent away.
Ok this is the WTF moment of the episode. We had Bluey in the first two episodes now we have Paranormal Gwentivity. So Gwen is walking around the castle, alone, at night, when she feels the presence too. Flickering candles, windows opening by themselves... Yeah Camelot is going all creepy on her.
What was that??? Oh the window she just closed reopened...
Oh now the lights are turning off. GREAT!!!!
Oh an invisible person drags her on the ground. Say what now???
Hellooo Halloween episode!!!!
Poor Gwen!!! Her and her boobs are terrified.
She goes and hide in the storage room but the ghost isn't done with her. You can run, Gwen, but you can't hide forever!!!!!
The ghost did it. It knocked her down.
And just in case, it sets the room on fire..... Angry much???
As Merlin walks in the hallway, alone, in the dark (Can't you all just stop doing this???) he sees the smoke coming from the storage room and saves Gwen for death. You go Merlin!!!!!
Ok wait a second. Guivere is now the quen of Camelot but when she gets knocked down Merlin takes her to his bed????? Really??? Doesn't she have her own prettty bed???
Any way Arthur is having a hard time believing that Uther might have done that when he knows his son loves Gwen so much... But Arthur is kind of a donkey sometimes so he doesn't get things quickly. Still gotta love him though. He is gorgeous after all!!! Gaius explains that they will need a potion and the horn to get rid of Uther.
Back in Arthur's chambers, he and Merlin are believing Uther's behind all that when they hear a noise coming from the closet. Armed and ready they open the door to discover...
a mouse.
Here's your ghost, Merlin!!!
It's ok to be scared. i would have screamed.
The two of them turn around and... Ahhhhhhh
What? Gaius!!! You scared everyone. The potion needed to send Uther back to the grave is ready.
 Thanks for that Gaius!!!!
Arthur : Is it safe?
Gaius : I can't say I'm entirely sure.
Merlin : (almost drinking while Arthur isn't) What are you waiting for?
Arthur : To see if it's safe.
Merlin : So, if I don't die, you'll take yours?
Arthur : Precisely. Get on with it. (Merlin drinks) Well, at least we know it doesn't kill you instantly.

Those dialogues are priceless!!!!!
That is the face Merlin makes after drinking the potion....
That is the face Arthur makes after drinking the potion. What we can get from those faces is that the potion isn't tasty.
In the hallway, Merlin gets frightenned by their shadows.
Seriously... What is wrong with you, Merlin!!!
Be careful Merlin, the slap is almost th...... Too late.
As the pair walks towards the ghost, Leon enters the room and finds them.
Leon : Arthur. Merlin.
Arthur : Leon. 
Merlin : Leon.
Leon : Is everything all right, my Lord?
Arthur : It's perfectly fine. We are... Merlin. Tell Leon what we're doing.
Merlin : We're... I'm teaching him some poetry.
Leon : Poetry?

Arthur : poetry.
Merlin : I was as surprised as you are. He can't get enough of it.
Leon : I'll leave you to your poetry, then, my Lord. (He leaves)
Arthur : Poetry? That's the best you could come up with? 
Merlin : What did you want me to say?
Arthur : I don't know. Something that didn't make me sound like a lovestruck girl.

Dialogues my friends!!! The dialogues are gold!!!!!
But right behind them...
Oh Hello Blue Uther. Am I the only one thinking blue is a theme this season????
The pair separates to find Uther. Merlin ends up in the storage room.
Where nobody ever cleans up apparently.
And uther has a little fun moving and throwing all the furniture around to forbid Merlin to get get out and meet Arthur.
In the Throne chamber Arthur meets...
his dad who doesn't seem very pleased. (Understatement).
And all the blaming starts again. you didn't marry the right girl you're destoying everything, you're a bad king... bla bla bla!!!!
I love how Arthur tries to defend Gwen; He loves her, he trusts her. And he isn't ready at all to rule like his father did. He wants to earn the respect of the people by being fair and kind and all. Weirdly Uther doesn't seem to agree with me...
Flying shield!!!!!!!
Take that Arthur!!!! I hurt with him. He falls on the ground inconscious and Merlin arrives. Uther isn't really happy about it and throws a table at him.
But Merlin knows better and stops the table with his magic mind.
Uther : You have magic.
Merlin : I was born with it.
Uther : I made you Arthur's servant. You are a sorcerer?
Merllin : Even while you were King, there was magic at the heart of Camelot.

In your face Uther!!!!!! Hourray for Merlin!!!!!
Oh Uther you need to stop!!! Merlin sends him magically away and then goes looking for him again because he needs to go. he ends up in the knights' changing room (where i would spend most of my time to be honest).
Uther is there too and plants him on the door with spears. 
Uther : It'll give me great pleassure killing you!!!!
Enters Arthur who isn't ready to give up on his (boy) friend.
Oh oh he has the horn. Uther begs but Arthur is determined.
Uther : Merlin has.........
 No Arthur you need to know.
But we were so close to the magic reveal!!!!!!! When???? Wheeeeeeeeeeen?????????
In the royal changing room Merlin takes care of Arthur and they talk about all that happened.
Arthur : I want to build a kingdom that is fair and just. One where everyone is respected, regardless of rank.

Merlin : Does that include me?
Arthur : Of course.
Merlin : So, does that mean you're not going to hit me anymore?
Arthur : When do I ever hit you?
Merlin : All the time.
Arthur : That's not hitting, Merlin. That's merely friendly slaps. It's horseplay.
Merlin : So, can I give you a friendly slap?
Arthur : You can certainly try.
Oh no you didn't!!!!!!! Oh yes he did!!!!
And Arthur's gonna show him how it's done!!!!!! 
Be ready Merlin!!!!!
What i thought about the episode :

  • Bradley is simply outstanding. His acting is flawless, his comedic timing is perfect and gosh he is gorgeous.
  • Colin is so cute and talented and perfect it hurts.
  • Where was Eoin????

To sum up, it was a very good episode based on character development. The dialogues were hilarious when needed and heartbreaking for the rest of the time.

  • Where was Eoin????

See you next week guys!!!!

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