Dimanche 7 octobre 2012 à 18:33

Leeloo and Alie watching Arthur's Bane part 1. A lot of emotions and as you can see, we're really into it!

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Jeudi 4 octobre 2012 à 23:14

When I usually wake up early my main feeling is that I want to go back to sleep. When in Compiegne, with the little sleep and lots of time outside, the main feeling is that someone is stabbing you with a tiny fork all over your body. It is painful!!!! Okay the real main feeling is excitement for we know we’re going to spend our day “with” Eoin… I mean the cast of Merlin but still, getting up is harder every day and putting on make-up takes a lot longer than usual. To be honest it...

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Mercredi 3 octobre 2012 à 0:38

The alarm clock rings. I don't want to get up. It's too early. I haven't slept enough. I can't even open my eyes anyway so why bother??? Wait!!! Where am I??? Oh right!!! It's fine I’ll sleep when I’m home. I'm just gonna take a shower and try to do something with my face (that doesn't seem to realize that it's about to have a great day.) By 8:45 we are both (Alie and I) downstairs for breakfast. Jenny and Sarah are already there and Simon and Marielle are 10 minutes away. Just so you...

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Mardi 2 octobre 2012 à 23:32

After a short night, on our way to breakfast, not awake yet, for this first day at the Castle, our beloved Castle that we missed so much. Breakfast, waiting for Simon and Marielle who left their homes far, far away over there, where there's nothing, at 2am. So we're not the only ones who are gonna have a long day. At 10am, everybody is in the cars under a little rain and wind (understand it was raining cats and dogs and it was at least -20°C). The streets of Pierrefonds were full of cars...

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Mardi 2 octobre 2012 à 18:49

Il est 7h, on est à -15426h de sommeil. Je pourrais dormir sur un tapis clouté de fakir… Pourquoi on se fait subir ça ??? On n’est pas bien dans nos têtes !!!! Il y a des connections qui ne se sont pas faites quand on était petites !!! Oui quand je n’ai pas assez dormi je me pose des questions comme ça. Bon ce n’est pas le tout mais il faut prendre une douche et être prêtes pour le petit dej de 7h45, le dernier avec Sarah et Jenny. Le principe de chaque action...

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